Christina Cohen

(I'm the one on the right)
Contact Information
- phone: (626) 395-6614
- e-mail:
- address: MC 290-17, Pasadena, CA 91125
- fax: (626) 395-2810
Although my graduate work involved the composition of the solar wind, using the
Ulysses/SWICS and
Wind/SMS sensors,
I've sinced moved up in energy to study energetic ions.
Using the Galileo/HIC instrument I've studied
the composition, intensities, and spectra of energetic particles in the Jovian magnetosphere.
More recently I've been studying solar energetic particles using the
STEREO/LET instruments.
Papers and Talks
- Refereed papers can be found here
- Conference papers can be found here
- Invited talks can be found here
Other Involvements