When I'm out on the road
And far, far from home
The sound of your voice
Comes over the phone

It lifts me up
It keeps me strong
The sound of your voice
Is a beautiful song

The sound of your voice 
It plays in my head
It's a comfort to me
When I go to bed

It's there in the morning
When I wake up
I can almost hear it
Coming from my coffee cup

I take it to the shower
I take it along
The sound of your voice
What a sweet, sweet song


The sound of your voice
What a sweet, sweet song
It keeps me going
Keeps me running along

If I can't be with you
If I have to call you on the phone
Then the sound of your voice
Keeps me from being alone


Sometimes in life 
You have to make a choice
That's when I'm helped 
By the sound of your voice

Is it forward of backwards
Do I stray from the path
The sound of your voice 
Keeps coming back

It keeps me honest
It keeps me true
The sound of your voice
Takes away the blues

Sometimes at night
I'm lying awake in bed
It's the sound of your voice
That's running through my head

It keeps me awake
But that's just fine
The sound of your voice
Is like a fine wine


visitors since...7 July 1998
Last Date Revised: 7/07/98